"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 15

April 19, 2011

The first half of this week we continued working studying saber/conocer and information about Cuzco. We played jeopardy to review this information. The students were given a paper to fill out before coming to class about Cuzco so that they could use that to answer questions during the game. I was disappointed in the number of students how actually had completed their homework and was prepared for class.

April 21, 2011

Because of Good Friday, we had a short week. Thursday we did a few different types of activities to continue working with indirect object pronouns. I think the students are getting the hang of these and did really well with the activities. We also practiced the newly mandated earthquake drill today. The students did well with this, we had already talked about it and practiced it earlier in the week.

Behind the scenes, I have been helping grade the semester two projects. The students did pretty well with creating their projects, despite some technology issues that were out of our control.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week 14

April 12, 2011

The first half of the week we spent one day in the computer lab to allow students more time to continue working on their semester two projects. The second day we were back in the classroom and we continued worked with saber/conocer and learning more about Cuzco. The students are doing well with saber and conocer and we will be quizzing on it early next week. I am happy with their progress.

April 15, 2011

The second half of the week we spent some more time working with saber/conocer and then we began working with indirect object pronouns. IOPs can be challenging but I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly the students seemed to be picking up just after working with them for thirty minutes. We also spent Friday back in the computer lab to work on projects. For the most part, the students used their time wisely in the lab and worked hard on their projects.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 13

April 1-April 10

Spring break!! I have spent a lot of time this week finalizing my LAMP unit (77 pages). I am now working on my portfolio and a few ESL essays. Only a few more assignments left. The end (of college) is near!! Bittersweet!

Week 12

March 29, 2011

The first half of the week we continued learning new material and covering material from last week. We are working on circumlocution and learning to how describe something when we don’t know the word. We do this a bunch on English if we can’t think of a word, we talk in circles to describe it. This was challenging at first for some students. I think after multiple examples, most everyone was getting the hang of it..

The students are doing well and accepting me as their teacher. The time is flying by and I can’t believe it is almost spring break. We are all kind of trying to “survive” this week and I am anxious for the break and time to put together all of my information from my LAMP unit I am finishing up.

March 31, 2011

Today was our last day of the week (we all got Friday off). I still had students leave on vacation even earlier than Friday. Today was also block day aka busy day! We spent the first part of class working on material from earlier this week. The second half of class we spent time playing review games.

The students did well with the review games. The first one was a triangle word puzzle and it was very difficult. I designed it and used information we learned during my LAMP unit. The students worked in their pods to complete it. Later, we played a version of the casino game Craps practicing the preterit. This was pretty fun and some of the students got really competitive with it!
For the last few minutes of class we did something different ☺ The current YouTube hit is a song called “Friday” by Rebecca Black. There are MANY parodies of this song. First, I showed the students the English version; most students had already seen it. Then I showed them the Spanish version created by Zachary Jones, a Spanish teacher. (http://www.zachary-jones.com) Each student received a copy of the Spanish lyrics and were encouraged to sing along ;) It was a fun way to end class before spring break.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 11

March 22, 2011

The first half of the week has gone pretty well. We are working with new material, mainly vocabulary and culture. My students acted shocked when their desks were rearranged and some made sure to tell me their opinions (both positive and negative). It is going to take some getting used to and transition time. Now that the students are in groups there are more opportunities for communication practice, which is both a positive and a negative within itself. I need to make sure students are communicating with each other in SPANISH. Obviously, the goal of learning a new language is to communicate and use it effectively. But this is a huge challenge that I have faced in Spanish II. The students feel restricted with their level of knowledge, so they resort to English, but they know more than they think. I need to help them believe that they know more and they are full capable of communicating ideas in Spanish.

Another goal I have been working on this week is getting my resume finalized and ready to go. Thanks to my colleagues and friends who have given me great tips and advice with my resume! I am also making sure that I have everything lined up for graduation requirements, signed up for the ceremony (yes, you have to register for graduation, etc.). I think I am pretty much set, still need to purchase my cap and gown though. I also registered for the BSU Teacher Fair and began making a profile on the DOE website and looking at their job postings. I have a feeling a lot of big changes are going to be happening soon. I am anxious and excited to see where God will lead me and where I will be come August.

On the downside, just as I am finally building relationships with colleagues/other teachers, my time at CHS is running out. I am thankful for a wonderful group of teachers that I have been able to work with during this experience. They are all supportive and encouraging.

March 25, 2011

The second half of the week went well. On Thursday the students were in the language lab to record themselves for a 3rd quarter oral assessment. After a few technical difficulties got worked out, everything went well. Everyone then worked on a mini-project for my LAMP. The chapter we are studying now is about Cuzco, Peru. Students did some more research about the city and wrote some sentences about it. The purpose of this activity was to practice the process that they are to use when completing their semester two project. I think it was helpful for the students to practice on Cuzco, and work with a partner for collaboration help.

Friday our main focus was to continue working with the culture section about Andean music. We watched some videos to see authentic examples of the instruments and listen to the music.

Next week we only have four school days and then spring break starts. I have a feeling it is going to be a quick week packed with information we are trying to cover before they go away for a week and don't use or think about Spanish ☺

Friday, March 18, 2011

Week 10

March 16, 2011

This week has been flying by! On Monday and Tuesday we did conferencing with the students to prepare for their test. We did this before the last exam as well. The students had to prepare a composition before class and they brought it up to John and I and we made corrections. The students then had to correct their errors and continue bringing up their essay to us until they got the “stamp of approval”. This is a great learning process for the students because they will write a similar composition for the test and this time around they have feedback and they have to search for the corrections.

After being in the classroom for more time, (10 weeks, ah!) I have noticed how much other “things” teachers must squeeze into their days minus just their lessons and teaching their lessons. I am constantly writing passes for students to make up work, rewriting quizzes, planning ahead, finding pencils for students who don’t have one (do they ever remember?!), standing in the halls between passing periods, taking the attendance on the computer during class/changing the attendance when students come late with a pass, running to the copy machine, finding dry erase markers that work, and the list goes on. There are so many “little” things that occupy time and I am finally getting to the point where they are coming more naturally and I don’t have to think about it all as much. So, that is a relief!

March 18, 2011

Yesterday I reviewed with my students and then they tested on the most recent material, all of which I had taught them on my own. I was kind of nervous to see how the students would do compared to past scores. I am still working on grading the essay section of the test and will have them done for Monday. I am so thankful that my CT is helping me with grading. We have a lot of assessment this week besides the test, so he is definitely a blessing.

Today the students completed the formative for the third quarter. This assignment is a quick check to see if students are at where they should be for Spanish II. All Spanish II students took this assessment, which asked the students to write five sentences using the preterit tense. I also explained the project for semester two. We then had to swap out our textbooks and change them for the new books. We had about twenty minutes to begin working with the new vocabulary for my section of the LAMP project. I have been wanting to rearrange the seating chart and desk arrangement, so after school today I moved the desks into “pods”. I assigned the students to their new seats and tried to mix up the order and have student sit by different people than normal. We will see next week how the new seats go and how/if it changes the classroom atmosphere.

We have two weeks left until spring break and then after break I really only have three more weeks left of student teaching. It is going by so quickly!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 9

March 8, 2011

At the beginning of this week I tried some new games and activities with my students and they went over pretty well. As a review warm up I created a matching type game with index cards and put students into groups and each group got an envelope of cards and had to put the information together with the correct category. I also borrowed mini dry erase boards from another teacher and worked with those. Each student got to use a board and a marker and we practiced conjugating ER/IR verbs in the preterit. It was an easy informal assessment for me. I was able to see pretty quickly if students were getting the conjugations or still struggling. And the students liked having something tangible to hold and play with. We are planning to test next week so we have mainly been doing a lot of practice lately and reinforcement activities. The grammar has been getting more and more challenging and often times it just takes practice and different types of input to help students and to allow the material to “click”.

March 11, 2011

The second half of this week went smoothly. I was able to include some more technology in class this week and the students seemed to really like it. On Thursday we were in the language lab and for part of the class students were able to play some “videogames” I found online that practice the grammar skills we had been working with. They seemed to enjoy them. On Friday we used the Clickers again and the students were excited when they walked into class and saw the Clickers sitting out.

I have really been working on my pacing and including a variety of activities within a class period. I was the pacing of the class to feel as though “it went by quickly” for the students. I don’t want them to be sitting in their desks with bored looks on their faces and eyes glancing at the clock every minute. So for now, my challenge is to make the class as interesting to 15 year olds as I can. I try to do 4-5 activities in a normal class period to keep things moving. Also, by including technology, songs, relating the material to their lives/pop culture I think I have been getting better at this. Of course, there will always been some students who choose to not be engaged, but I am trying hard to reach all students.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 8

March 1, 2011

After having a week off of school everyone was readjusting to a normal schedule and remembering what we had been studying before our “break”. We spent the beginning half of the week continuing to work with vocabulary and culture that we had been studying.

I have been working hard on keeping my student’s focus and interest. This is definitely a challenge because 15 year olds have a lot of things on their minds, and Spanish is usually at the top of the list. I have been trying to create and do multiple activities so that the students do not get bored of one thing. I think that I did better with that this week. Students seemed to be more interested. I also have been trying hard to relate the information to their own lives and to get invested in their lives. The students enjoy talking about themselves, their likes and dislikes, etc. It is difficult with Spanish 2 because the students can only express so much with their limited language skills. So I have been trying to make the information personal and interesting to my students.

March 4, 2011

This has been a long week. We had our first full week in a long time, and I was pretty exhausted. The students are doing great catching up and keeping up with the new information. We have been working on vocabulary, culture and grammar this week. Today John and I experimented with iClickers and were able to use them with the students for a fun activity. The language department has two sets of iClickers that can be used. The students really enjoyed using the technology and trying something different. I think we will use them again this week because they enjoyed it and it was a great review activity for the culture we had been studying. There were some technical difficulties during first period but it all worked out the rest of the day. With stuff like that we just had to work on our feet and luckily we had second period prep so we were able to play with it then.

I have still been working on my LAMP and should be starting that in the near future. Once I have that unit taught and the BSU side of it turned in I will feel a lot better and relieved. This week is Ball State’s spring break, but I have my high school’s spring break the first week of April.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 7 - Mother Nature strikes again

Week of February 21, 2011 – No School

This turned out to be quite the week and practically Spring Break #1. We had 4 out of the 5 days cancelled due to ice, snow, etc. And the one day we did have school was Wednesday and I stayed home because I was still getting over the flu that I got on Monday evening. (I wouldn’t have taught that Wednesday anyway because it is a block day with Spanish V and John has been working with them recently).

Once again I have missed out of many valuable days of teaching experience that I will not get back because we are following BSU schedule and I finish May 4 no matter what. So besides getting sick and getting over my illness, I spent some time working on my LAMP (Learning Assessment Model Project). That is a big BSU project that we complete for a 2-week unit that we create and teach during our student teaching. So it was good to get going on that.

Hoping for a better week during week 8! Can’t believe we are this far into student teaching!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 6

February 16, 2011

This has been a week of firsts! Starting with administering a test on Monday and Tuesday. The administering part was not a big deal, but grading two parts (writing and chapter test) in just a few days was slightly overwhelming. Luckily, John and I shared and we each graded two class periods. Even having two periods to grade felt like a lot. On Monday I also went to a Webinar with a few other staff members. We listened to a pre-recorded webinar by Ken O’Connor about grading and assessment in the schools. It was interesting; he has some different ideas and suggestions. To continue my week of new “firsts” John and I ate lunch in the teacher’s lounge on Wednesday. We usually eat in our room and continue working or planning. It was nice to meet some other teachers, because I have been kind of isolated in our foreign language area and only know the teachers that are in our wing of the building. Wednesday evening I also attended my first sporting event. I went to part of the girl’s gymnastics meet. We have four girls in our classes on the team and it was neat to watch them compete! I am hoping to go to a few more extra curricular activities to support the school and students.

February 18, 2011

For the second half of the week I started a new chapter with Spanish II. We started with some vocabulary activities first. I think right now the main areas I need to be working on are giving clear accurate directions in Spanish using words the students are familiar with. I need to remember that with Spanish II the students have a pretty limited vocabulary and I need to be clear and concise. Some of my activities have not gone as well as I had hoped and directions and explanations are part of the problem. I also need to constantly remember who my students are, what interests them, and figure out how I can engage them. Ideally it is better to have multiple short activities so that students do not get bored. If possible, I need to try and get them up and moving around in the classroom as well. These goals are going to take time and experience to feel more comfortable with them, but they are definitely something that I am aware of and trying to work on.

p.s. I cannot believe I am already 6 weeks into this!! Only 10(ish) more left! WOW.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 5

February 8, 2011

I have been working this Spanish II this week. Monday and Tuesday we went over a composition (8 sentences) that the students were supposed to have completed for their homework, which of course not many did. John and I sat at a table and the students had to bring their compositions up to us and we would make corrections. The students then had to make the corrections and continue bringing their compositions up to us until we gave them a stamp of approval. This writing piece was aimed to specifically work with AR preterit verbs.

The lack of homework completion amazes me. The students are assigned Spanish homework on a daily basis but it is never a huge amount. It should take them 10-15 minutes, in my opinion, to complete. Yet, majority of the students do not complete their homework, so when we try to go over assignments in class the students respond with their favorite phrase, “no sé” (I don’t know). I hope to try and find a way to motivate students more, and help this issue. Back when I was in high school, (4 years ago ☺) was I the only one who always did their homework?!

February 11, 2011

Thursday I taught the entire day, (even though we had a delay) classes were still an hour and four minutes long and I had four of them back to back with no break except lunch during 5th period. It was slightly exhausting and at times I felt my voice going out, but it was a good day. It was my first time teaching a lesson that I had prepared all by myself. It went pretty well! The last activity I planned didn’t go over as well as I had hoped so I am learning to be quick on my feet and made a few slight adjustments for the later classes and I think it went over better. Thursday was also my first day staying “late” at school, until 7. I had given a quiz during the day and needed to have them graded, recorded, and returned the next day. So, I stayed after to work on those and to make some copies for Friday as well.

I have decided that I am not a huge fan of block days. I prefer the 7 period school days with 45ish minute classes. Today we did a little bit of review because the students have a writing assessment for the chapter on Monday and a chapter test on Tuesday. Next week, I get to experience my first time grading 105 tests and writing pieces ☺ I think I am in for a treat haha.

If you live in Indiana, you have most likely heard of all of the controversial proposed bills and such going on at the state level with the education field. My CT and I have many conversations about this, as well as with other teachers in the building. I am trying to read and stay up-to-date on all of these issues. All of the proposed changes and unknowns are scary and it will be a very interesting next couple of months to see what happens to the education world in Indiana at the same time as I am job searching.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 4 - The Blizzard

February 3, 2011

So far our only day of school this week was Monday, thanks to the blizzard! Although on Monday I did teach the entire day by myself (for the second time). We were in the language lab on Monday and we continued working with the preterit for Spanish II and vocabulary with Spanish V.

Once again, first period was pretty rough. I wrote a few comprehension questions about a song we listened to for Spanish II and they ended up being too opened ended for the students. Thankfully, second period is a prep and John and I were able to make some changes to the activity to make it easier for the kids to follow. We gave them options to choose for the comprehension questions. The same lesson went MUCH smoother the rest of the day. In the language lab at CHS we use a program called Virtuoso and everyone wears headsets and they hear me talk to them and I can display what we are working on with the projector. With the program, Virtuoso, I can put the students into pairs so they can hear and talk to another student. I can also launch files, like the song we listened to, to each of their PCs. It is a really neat program and I am getting more and more comfortable using it.

On Monday John stayed in the classroom for the first two periods but he felt comfortable enough to leave for the last three and work on something else in his classroom. I think that it is a good sign that he is feeling confident with my teaching and allowing me more time to work on my transition into being the main teacher. He and I are still doing a lot of collaborating with planning, which I am very thankful for!

I love working with the Spanish V kids. They are a small group and they are in the advanced level because they enjoy and care about Spanish. They are able to hold lengthier conversations and discuss opinions about things. They understand jokes in the language and enjoy playing back. Spanish V does a conversation journal and I have taken those over. Each student has a notebook and we take turns writing a page or so to one another. The teacher gives a prompt and the students respond. Prompts could be about a topic we are currently studying, it could work with a grammar structure we are working with, or relate to current events etc. It has been fun for me because it allows me to get to know the students on a more personal level and through writing.

While I have had my three days off of school I have gotten myself caught up with some BSU requirements. So that has been nice ☺ We will see what happens tomorrow with school…. Some Muncie area schools are already closed for Friday, 6 day weekend for them! We had some sunshine today and that helped melt some snow but there are supposed to be extremely low temps tonight and everything might freeze over again??

February 4, 2011

Our first day back at school since Monday! We had a delay so the day flew by and we had so much to cover. I taught the whole day and the classes flew by. We were barely able to get much done and everything is pushed back. This week was my first week doing a lot of planning and trying to teach the whole week, but life doesn’t always go as we plan ☺ I am learning that lesson in a few different areas of my life right now.

So this was technically our 4th week of school and I have missed a total of 5 days, so I have missed a week of school. Because we are student teaching and we follow Ball State’s schedule, those are missed days that I will not be making up. Which kind of stinks because that is a week of experience and time in the classroom I wont be getting back this semester. I am getting ready to watch the Super Bowl (mainly for the commercials ☺) and work on some school stuff for this week.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 3

Jan. 26, 2011

Today is my first normal Wednesday! (Due to previous snow days) It is a block day with a different schedule. Wednesday morning the students have late start and the teachers have collaboration time. It was great to sit down with all of the other language teachers. Although, I have already met them all individually throughout the past two and a half weeks. I am getting to know some of the other teachers and it will be nice to collaborate and get to know other staff in the school.

With the way my CT’s schedule works out he really only has one class he teaches on Wednesdays. Late morning he has a homeroom/activity period time. But he does not really have to lead instruction during that time. At the end of the day he has Spanish V. So we have taken advantage of the plan time and he and I have been doing a lot of co-planning and getting ready for the rest of the this week and next week. Some of the planning we did together and I was able to work on some of the rest by myself. I am still receiving guidance and help. I submit my plans and lessons to my CT and we go over them together before we print and make copies, etc. Thursdays are also block schedule days and for my CT they are non-stop. He has all four classes of Spanish II back to back. I hear it can be an exhausting day. We have not had a normal Thursday schedule yet either due to delays/cancellations.

I am excited to see how the next few days go as I begin to take more and more responsibility for the classes. Both of the Spanish classes are about to start new chapters and new sections of the class so it is great timing for me to jump in and take more responsibility.

Jan. 28, 2011

Thursday and Friday I did some more teaching and I have been working on my transition into the classroom as the main teacher. I felt like Thursday went really well. I am getting more comfortable being in front of the class. I have been working on speaking more slowly and clearly and part of that is being confident and comfortable. Thursday was interesting because it was a block day and it was four 90 minute blocks of Spanish II in a row, non-stop. The day went pretty quickly because it was non-stop.

Friday was my first full day teaching the entire class period. I had never taught first or third period because usually I watch John during those periods. I am definitely in transition with the students because they were testing me a little and weren’t always sure how to respond to me. Some of the students were testing me by not following the class rules as closely as they normally do when John is teaching.

First period was definitely “rough”. It was my first time teaching these kids and my first time teaching the lesson for that day without previously seeing it modeled. The students hung in there with me and we made it through. Thankfully the lesson got better and better as the day continued.

I am really working on pacing and being authoritative. Students need to know that I am here to teach them and my job and role is important to me. I am working on finding a balance between firm and friendly. When I taught on Friday a few of the classes seemed to go faster than others. I had extra activities ready but I need to work on keeping the same pace as much as possible.

It felt great to teach an entire day by myself and next week I will be doing a lot more of that. I am looking forward to the transition and hoping that it continues to get smoother. Thanks for all of the thoughts and comments ☺

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 2

Jan. 18, 2011

On Monday this week we spent time in the language labs. I was able to get familiar with the lab and all of its features. I learned how to use all of the buttons and control the sound functions. During 7th period I was able to lead instruction over the headsets and lead part of the class. For me, it was not as nerve wrecking because I was not directly looking at the students. I was speaking into a headset and giving directions. I enjoyed it!

On Tuesday I was able to help pass out homework and give directions in Spanish II. In 7th period I lead part of the class by showing a short video, administering a quiz and hanging out homework. For this quiz students did a trade-and-grade and John and I were able to enter grades during the day. I am becoming more familiar with the grade book program. It is pretty easy to use.

I like how John is slowly easing me into leading activities. By the time 7th period comes around I have already seen him model the lesson multiple times and it isn’t hard for me to take over. I think by slowly adding me into the course I will be able to build my confidence quicker.

I have been planning a few grammar lessons for next week. It looks like I will be leading a block period for Spanish II next week on demonstrative adjectives. I first “scouted” for information and activities and compiled a list of ideas and calculated how long I thought they would take. Next I placed them in an order that I thought would work. I showed John and he and I discussed the plans and he gave me a few tips and ideas of how to tweak the ideas. Overall, he liked what I had planned and I am going to work on creating all of the materials needed (tweaking a PowerPoint, making worksheets, etc). Spanish V will be doing a quick review of the future tense and will be practicing this tense. I have been scouting for ideas and hope to show John what I have come up with tomorrow.

Jan. 21, 2011

Yesterday I taught an entire class period all by myself for the first time. I was really nervous and I think it showed a little in my voice and actions. The students behaved pretty well for me. There was some extra talking and I had to ask them to be quiet a few times. The lesson I taught as some practice with “gustar”. John had planned the lesson and modeled in the 3 previous classes of Spanish II and so I felt comfortable with what I was doing. I taught 7th period and in general they are a more rowdy class with 29 students and it is the end of the day. I felt better after know that I had my first 45-minute class period under my belt. You have to start somewhere and I was anxious to get my first teaching experience over with so I can begin to feel more comfortable. John gave me some great feedback and I learned that I need to let the students know who is boss and not be so nice. I am in an awkward position for the students because I am in transition and their classroom teacher is still in the room, but I cannot be afraid to let them know that I am a teacher and I mean business.

Today John and I decided it would be good for me to teach two entire class periods. Once again, John had planned the lesson and it was more with “gustar”. I watched him teach it to the first two class periods and I followed suite for the second two periods of Spanish II. I felt waaay more comfortable today in front of the class. The students respected me and we accomplished all that we were supposed to. I was worried I might rush through the lesson and have extra time at the end of class, but we ended right on time and at the same point for both classes.

It is really nice to have a slower transition like this so the students and I can both adjust. I have been planning a grammar lesson on demonstrative adjectives to teach next week. I am looking forward to it. It is the first lesson that I have planned and will teach on my own.

My goals for this week were to get to know the building better and to work on learning student’s names. I stayed after school this week and used the weight room, which is on the other side of the building. This gave me an opportunity to become more familiar and to get used to the school layout. Monday I will be going into the freshman academy (which is connected) to observe a Spanish I teacher. I am feeling a lot better with students’ names. I’ve passed out papers a few times this week, which really helped, and I take attended and when I was teaching lessons I used students’ names to call on them.

Week 1

Jan. 11, 2011

Today was my first official day at CHS. I already feel so welcomed by the staff and I am eager to feel more comfortable in the school. I need to make the effort to get to know the school better. It is big and I have gotten turned around a few times already.

I know I am going to learn so much from my cooperating teaching, John*, this semester! He is a great teacher and it is great to watch him teach this week and take notes. The students respect him and he doesn’t really have any problems with discipline. One of the hardest things in a language classroom is getting the students to use the L2. He tries his best to force them to use the language so that they are working with it and practicing.

Confidence is going to be a big semester long goal for me. I am hoping to work on that and gain more confidence in myself as a teacher. I need to feel comfortable with the students and being in front of a class.

*I have changed the first name of my cooperating teacher in order to protect his privacy.

Jan. 14, 2011

This first week was a short week because of the orientation on campus and a snow day I was only at CHS for three days. I am getting to know my CT, John, better and getting a feel for how he runs his classroom. During his prep periods and in the morning when he is planning he vocalizes his thought process so I can see what he is thinking and why he is doing what he is doing. I am glad that he does it because it is helpful for me!

I graded some quizzes for Spanish 2 with John this week and learned how to enter grades into their online grading system. It seems pretty easy to use. I was pretty shocked at how poorly the students did on the short 10-question quiz we gave them. I thought we had covered the vocabulary in class and we told them there was going to be a quiz and the topic of it. John said he does not think they studied and even with the extra snow day to prepare they did not take advantage of the extra time.

During 7th period (which is the fourth time we have Spanish 2) I lead a short review activity after watching John model it 3 times. I think it will be nice to ease my way into the classroom by slowly taking over and doing activities together. It will help me feel more comfortable and build my confidence.

I also handed out a short introduction letter out to parents today about myself. I was able to provide them with my school email (I feel like a real teacher!) and some information about my studies and experience abroad.


During my semester of student teaching I am keeping a weekly journal (with 2 entries per week) to allow myself to reflect on my experiences.
I am a senior at Ball State University finishing up a Bachelor's degree in Secondary Spanish Education and a licensure in English as a Second Language. I am currently student teaching in Fort Wayne, and living at home. I am in a local high school during my student teaching experience. I am working with four classes of Spanish II and one class of Spanish V. I am working with a range of high school students from freshman-seniors.
Feel free to follow me along in my journey as I student teach and prepare for my future career!